Data Conversion Rules for Benderlink for Chiyoda/KEINS

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Data Conversion Rules

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Back to Benderlink for KEINS

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To Send NEW data to a KEINS or Chiyoda Bender from the Measuring Center

Vtube laser benderlink chiyoda.png

To send NEW data to a KEINS or Chiyoda bender from a measuring center through Benderlink, it is important to clear the FPB data IN THE BENDER CONTROL to one bend and set all the FPB values to ZERO. This includes the adjustment values.

In this case, when data is sent FROM THE MEASURING CENTER to BENDERLINK, then:

  1. Benderlink will perform a GET to update its bender data from the bender.

  2. Benderlink will see that the there is one bend row and all ZEROS in the FPB data from the bender.

  3. Benderlink will use those facts to choose to handle the incoming measuring center data as NEW data.

  4. Benderlink will then automatically increase the number of bend rows to match the measuring center bend count data inside Benderlink memory.

  5. Benderlink will then SEND the updated data to the bender.

To Send ADJUSTMENTS to a KEINS or Chiyoda Bender from the Measuring Center

If there are non-ZERO values in any of the BENDER'S FPB cells, or there is more than one bend row in the BENDER'S dataa, then Benderlink will always MERGE new data to the existing rows. This setup is appropriate for corrections loops.

In this case, when data is sent FROM THE MEASURING CENTER to BENDERLINK, then:

  1. Benderlink will perform a GET to update its bender data from the bender.

  2. Benderlink will see that there is either more than one bend row, or that there is already non-ZERO data in the data from the BENDER.

  3. Benderlink will MERGE the measuring center data to the bender data in the Benderlink memory.

  4. Benderlink will SEND the updated data to the bender.

This means that no new rows will be created if the incoming data has more bends than the existing bend count.


  • About Chiyoda - See this page for control version information.