Benderlink for Chiyoda FAQ

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Where can I find brochures for Benderlink for Chiyoda?

You can download datasheets from our Knowledge Base page for Benderlink for Chiyoda in this page: [1]

What is learned with On-Site Training?

We train on how to use the Benderlink software and how to perform corrections loops. We will lead your team through the software, then finish the training with actual corrections loops.

Can Benderlink be installed on a VTube-LASER - FARO measuring-center computer?

Yes - provided it is the correct version of Windows (At least Windows 7)

Can Benderlink be installed on a ROMER measuring-center computer?

Yes - provided it is the correct version of Windows. (At least Windows 7)

Will Benderlink work with all versions of ROMER Supravision or ROMER DOCS software?

No. Some versions do not communicate properly or have no SVNET protocol built-in. See this link for more information: [2]

How do we manage data in a Benderlink / Measuring Center cell?

The initial setup of the benders can be performed by sending ROMER data to the bender. However, the actual storage of the bender setup is best stored in the Benderlink file. Here is why:

  1. Benderlink data files contain all the setup data for a bender. The ROMER data file does not.
  2. Benderlink data files are used to remember the complete setup of a bender (unlike the ROMER data) in a file on the disk (or anywhere on the network).
  3. Benderlink data files can be setup and established at an Engineers desk (before ROMER or the factory floor) if your engineers are given a license of Benderlink OFFLINE[3].
  4. Benderlink can also receive conversion data that is converted from our SolidWorks [4], Solid Edge [5], Autodesk Inventor [6], or AutoCAD [7] converters. These kinds of converters are normally placed at engineer's workstations to work with Benderlink Offline.

If you want to keep part data that is already established in the Chiyoda control, the initial update will require that each part in the Chiyoda benders eventually be uploaded to a Benderlink file through communications. This takes about 15 seconds per part to perform the actual communication.

Generally the process involves a parallel set of data files. A ROMER master file is established (at the ROMER) to control the shape of the part. A BENDERLINK data file is established to remember the bender setup. When the file is run again in the future, the operator will load the MASTER file into Supravision or DOCS, and load the BENDERLINK file into the Chiyoda control using Benderlink SEND. Then the bender is ready to bend (providing the tools have been installed on the bender).

Is there a potential bottle-neck for user use if Benderlink is installed on the ROMER computer?

While performing corrections loops, the ROMER software will require the attention of Benderlink. However, if transferring stored data to/from a Chiyoda, then the operations are performed using the Benderlink software.

If a part is measured offline at the ROMER (i.e. - it is not communicating with a bender) while someone is attempting to send data to the Chiyoda using Benderlink, then they would have to share the same computer screen at the same time in order to use two different software packages. This would create a bottle-neck.

If this is a potential problem, then we recommend that you use a separate computer next to the measuring center exclusively for Benderlink. These two computers must be networked together for Benderlink to respond to commands from the measuring center.

If you find that using both software packages on one computer does not meet your need, then we recommend that you modify the setup by switching from one computer to two computers. Quite often we can help without coming on-site. (This change in setup will require a computer IT type to make the installation following our guidance over the telephone.)

Can we download and upload BLOCKS of data?

YES - For the newer touch-screen version of the Chiyoda benders, you can upload and download entire blocks of data (20 channels). Or you can download a single channel. The older style bender allows for a single channel save/load. Please note that a block of data requires about 5 minutes to RECALL from the bender to Benderlink. (15 seconds per part x 20 channels)

What if my application is unique?

We've been installing this software since 1993. We have performed hundreds of installations of this software and have seen scores of unique ways to implement the system. If we install the software on-site (optional service), then we can personally observe your methods and help you determine the best way to use the system. A lot of these answers come during training. It is very normal for a customer to receive training, then completely rework how the software is used.