CNC Bender v11-20091022

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Cncbender logo pushbending.png

Operatorstation model.jpg

Check.jpg NEW - Push Bend Profile Setup NAME Data

  • Each Push Bend Profile Setup can now be given a NAME.


Check.jpg NEW - PDA-RVG Profile Setup NAME Data

  • Each PDA-RVG Profile Setup can now be given a NAME.


Check.jpg NEW - FRB EVEN or ODD Row COPY

  • Now there are EVEN and ODD Rows buttons that replace the UP ONE or DOWN ONE buttons.

  • These buttons can copy the current value to all EVEN or ODD rows for setup patterns that repeat in the FRB rows.

FRBoption copy oddeven.jpg

Check.jpg FIX - KEYBOARD Repairs

  • The blinking cursor now moves the end of the line when typing text.

  • The left and right arrow keys from the physical keyboard are now recognized.

  • The apostrophe character from the physical keyboard is now recognized.


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