FARO Arm Types for VTube-LASER

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Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png

Vtl screen hd scanner without logo.png

VTube-LASER works with a variety of FARO arms that use the USB interface. If the FARO arm uses the standard FARO USB interface, then VTube-LASER will connect to it.


These are the arms that are compatible with VTube-LASER

Greenball.png FARO QUANTUM M and S

FARO reports that you must use FARO USB driver version 6 with the Quantum arms.

FARO Quantum Woman Measuring Part.png FARO Quantum Closeup.png

Greenball.png NEW FARO GAGE

As of June, 2020, the less expensive FARO GAGE arm will connect with VTube-LASER. It has the same high-accuracy specs as the Quantum S 1.5 meter arm.

Note that older GAGE arms do not connect to VTube-LASER. (See the list of arms that do not connect below.)
FAROGage Man Measuring.jpg FAROGage.png

Greenball.png FARO Edge

Faroedge scanarm hdscanner.png Faro edge hdscanner 001.png

Greenball.png FARO Platinum

Faroplatinum withscanner.png Faroplatinum withscanner2.png

Greenball.png FARO Quantum

Faroquantum withoutscanner.png

Greenball.png FARO Prime

Faroprime withoutscanner.png

Greenball.png FARO Fusion

Farofusion withoutscanner.png

Greenball.png FARO Advantage



These are the arms are are not compatible with VTube-LASER

Redball.png OLDER FARO Gage (See the June, 2020 note below)


Important Note for June of 2020: FARO has launched new hardware in June, 2020 called Gage, which is a resurrection of the previous FARO Gage offering from the previous Arm platform. It will have the same hardware and specs as a Quantum S 1.5M Arm, but with new labels. One major difference is that this Gage will be able to communicate with any software that can currently communicate with a Quantum FaroArm. A new Driver will also be released by the end of this month to support this hardware where the only major change will the graphic in the FaroArm Manager UI and access to the new help manuals. To identify the new Gage compared the told Gage, the new Gage will have a G in the 4th character of the serial number, i.e., W15G2-XX-XXXXX.

Redball.png FARO Gold, Silver, Bronze (NOT Compatible)

Farogold.png Farogoldsilver.png

Redball.png FARO Metrecom (NOT Compatible)

Farometrecom2.png Farometrecom.png

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