VTube-LASER v2.9.17

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Revision as of 16:41, 14 December 2018 by Mcone (Talk | contribs)

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Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png

Revision 2.9.17

Release Date: Unreleased
Current Build: 8

Vtube-laser v2.7 screenshot.png


Check.jpgNEW - Scan and Measure Point Clouds

VTube-LASER now handles point clouds in storage we call "buckets." This allows you to scan anything into VTube-LASER - not just tubes.

With this feature:

  • Scan point clouds into list of point cloud buckets using the LASER scanner.
  • Turn buckets of points on our off.
  • Select points on the screen then press DELETE to delete them from the buckets.
  • Measure the distance between any two points.
  • Transfer the point clouds into SOLIDWORKS.
  • Transfer the point clouds into an ASCII file for use in any other program.
  • Point clouds are stored and recalled to/from the VTube-LASER project file.
  • Point cloud changes are stored in the UNDO memory. If you delete the wrong set of points - just press UNDO.
  • Set the color of each bucket of point clouds.

Vtl v2.9.17 PointCloudDimension.png

Check.jpgNEW - Automatic Reset Straight Count at Measure

If VTube-LASER starts a measure setup with ZERO straights, then it automatically resets to the MASTER straight count.

Vtl v2.9.17 SetupMeasureResetStraightCount.png

Check.jpgNEW - MAX Points for Cylinder Stripes Is Now 50

Through some experimentation, any point count above 50 per stripe is not helpful in VTube-LASER. For example, as you approach 1000 points per stripe, it slows the math engine significantly and actually causes more Cylinder Fit problems than it solves.

VTube-LASER will now allow up to 50 points per stripe for measuring cylinders - never more.

Vtl v2.9.17 Max50PointsPerStripeForCylinders.png

Check.jpgFIX - Split Bend Corrections in Bend Setup (Important fix for 180-degree bend correction)

The Split Bend corrections (for a 180-degree bend) were being applied in Bender Setup in the uncompressed mode - which means that only half the correction was being applied to 180-degree bends.

Also, the wrong number of rows was sent to Bender Setup - which meant that correction data was not properly aligned with the data at the bender. For example, for a single 180-degree bend part, there should only be two correction rows. However, VTube was sending three rows of data for two 90-degree bends.

This has been fixed in this version.

See the resulting correction data grid in the Bender Setup screen below the image.

Vtl v2.9.17 180degreeSplitBend BenderSetupCorrectionFix.png

Check.jpgNEW- Auto Disconnect When the FARO Driver is Busy

When the FARO driver is busy with other connections (like to CAM2), VTube-LASER would give an error then shutdown.

Now VTube-LASER closes the connection to the FARO arm and displays a message with a sound to let you know that the connection is closed.

Vtl v2.9.17 FAROAutoCloseConnectionWhenBusy.png

Check.jpgNEW- Auto Display of DRO (Digital Readout) When Moving from VTube-STEP to VTube-LASER

When the arm is connected to VTube, and the user changes from VTube-STEP to VTube-LASER, VTube now automatically displays the DRO window (Digital Readout).

Vtl v2.9.17 DRO.png

Check.jpgOther changes

  • The screen image bmp file is now only copied to the html export folder when it is present in the html report.
  • In VTube-STEP, the export html report feature did not work. This has been fixed.

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