Differences Between VTube License Types

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Vtube-step logo 1.96.png

Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png

Levels of Licenses

There are three levels of licenses:

  1. VTube-STEP: VTube-STEP imports parts and creates master bender data. VTube-STEP is priced at about 25% of VTube-LASER.

  2. VTube-LASER: VTube-LASER includes VTube-STEP - plus it can also measure and qualify parts by connection to a measuring center. VTube-LASER can also correct bender data. VTube-LASER is the most expensive license we offer.

  3. VTube-LASER Programmer: VTube-LASER Programmer is identical to VTube-LASER, except it cannot connect to a measuring center. It is ideal for VTube-LASER setup by techicians. VTube-LASER Programmer is priced at 50% of VTube-LASER.

Differences Between VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER Programmer

  1. All versions of VTube allow you to import solid models and convert the data to MASTER data.
  2. All versions allow you to set the default tangent point tolerance.Only VTube-LASER PROGRAMMER (VTLP) allows for complete measuring center setup. Measuring center setup is a section that controls all of the parameters that apply to measuring.  If your technicians want complete control over every part of VTube-LASER measuring setup, then VTLP is the way to go.
  3. VTLP allows technicians to load existing VTube-LASER project files and view Tube Data Storage - which allows for viewing the historical data for all measurements.  VTube-STEP cannot do this.
  4. VTLP can align a measured tube to a master tube. VTube-STEP cannot do this.
  5. Technicians can setup the Bender Setup screen (choose which bender with which to communicate) in VTLP. VTube-STEP does not have this feature.
  6. VTLP can recall data from benders. VTube-STEP cannot.
  7. VTLP is identical to VTube-LASER with the exception that it cannot connect to a measuring center.
  8. VTLP can build inspection reports.  VTube-STEP cannot.

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