CNC Bender v12-20120629

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Revision as of 00:44, 30 June 2012 by Mcone (Talk | contribs)

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Cncv12procontrol withteachmode.jpg

Check.jpg Repair - Default Option Values in the Toolbox Now Switched Off

By default, dynamic options should be OFF or in their DEFAULT state when in a Toolbox.

However, the CNC Processlist Builder had difficulty determining if an option was inside the toolbox - even if it was inside the toolbox in CNC Bender. This sometimes caused hard-to-trace side-effects where an option seemed to be active - and causing unintended effects like skipping bends, or calling out to features that were placed in the toolbox.

This version fixes this issue by allowing both CNC Bender, CNC Processlist Builder and CNC Processor to track if the operator has placed the option in the Toolbox based on which operator station the part is running in.

Check.jpg Repair - Robot Clear Bit Can Be High or Low

The Robot Clear bit always assumed that the TRUE signal was bit high. But some machines assume the opposite. This has been fixed.

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