Benderlink for SolidWorks 1.9

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Check.jpg New - Export TAURING Data Feature

Blinksw export tauring data menu closeup.jpg

Benderlink for SolidWorks can now output a text file that contains TAURING bender data.

The menu appears like this:

Blinksw tauring data mainsetup.jpg

Check.jpg New - Springback Compensation Formula Values

This window allows you to enter the FIXED and PROPORATIONAL values of the springback formula. These values can be used in the Springback Compensation Editor formula to calculate overbend necessary to overcome springback during bending. The values are also used to shorten straights that follow the bends during overbending.

Blinksw springback values.jpg

The values can be calculated using the include Overbend Calculator software.

Overbend bendersetup.jpg

The standard springback compensation formula is:

New Bend Angle = ((Theoretical Bend Angle * Proportional) + Fixed)

Check.jpg New - Compensation State Switches

Blinksw compensationstate active.jpg

The compensation state of Benderlink can be switched ENABLED or DISABLED depending on the application. For example, when sending new data to the bender, the compensation calculations can be active. When performing corrections, they are typically inactive.

Blinksw compensationstate inactive.jpg

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