Choosing a DXF Path for Transfer to AutoCAD
Choosing a DXF Path for AutoCADBack to TubeCAD Pro |
About Automated Layout Transfers to AutoCAD
TubeCAD can send data to AutoCAD automatically. This means it can load AutoCAD, then load the DXF file automatically. Older versions of TubeCAD would always build the DXF and script files for AutoCAD in the ACAD.EXE folder. This worked in Windows XP, but can present problems in Windows 7 and 8.
The reason is that Windows 7 and 8, by default, make that folder read-only to TubeCAD. The way around this problem is to allow TubeCAD to store the DXF data in folders where read-write are allowed for the user logged into the current Windows session.
This document describes how to change the path to allow for the automated transfer.
TubeCAD Options Menu
The options menu can be loaded by right-clicking on the viewport in TubeCAD. Then choose "options".
DXF Path
The DXF Path
By default, the path assigned is supposed to allow read-write of files. It will have this form: c:\users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\tcadpro
Note: The common configuration folders and files are only copied when the same folders and files do not already exist in the user's private folder.
Where Each User's Part Data is Stored Initially
The bender and measuring center files are stored in Documents\tcadpro.
If these folders and the sample files in them do not exist when tcadpro starts, then TubeCAD will copy initial starting part files from the common folder.
Note: The common set of initial user's data are only copied from the common setup folder when the same folders and files do not already exist in the user's private Documents folder.
TubeCAD Project Path Assigned Inside TubeCAD Initially
TubeCAD will also automatically assign the same private Documents location as the default project file storage path for each bender inside the TubeCAD File menu.
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