VTube-LASER v1.83

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Vtube-laser logo.jpg

Revision 1.83

Vtube-laser 1.81.4.jpg


Check.jpg NEW: Function Key Shortcuts

Function keys now allow you to quickly refresh or resize the graphic image in the viewport.

  • F1: Show Help
  • F2: Refresh Graphics
  • F3: Zoom All
  • F4: VPort: Select Mode
  • F5: VPort: Orbit Mode
  • F6: VPort: Pan Mode
  • F7: VPort: Zoom Window Mode
  • F8: Tube: End Point Labels
  • F9: Tube: Intersection Point Labels
  • F12: Delete selected objects


Check.jpg NEW: SolidWorks Builder

This new menu is activated by pressing on the SolidWorks Builder option in the right Model menu. The menu gives operators choices for how to build the part in SolidWorks. For example:

  • Build rectangular or cylindrical parts.

  • Build with or without the intersection points in the 3DSketch.

The part shapes can be based on the MASTER, MEASURED, or ALIGNED.

The screen image below shows a SolidWorks assembly of the MASTER part an ALIGNED part drawn as individual parts automatically by VTube. The MASTER tube is blue. The measured aligned tube is brown.

Vtube-laser-1.83 SolidWorksAssembly Rectangular.png

Vtube-laser-1.83 SolidWorksBuilder Menu.png

Check.jpg NEW: Side Panels are Collapsible for an Expanded Viewport

The side panels in both STEP and LASER modes are collapsible.

Vtube-1.83 collapse menu buttons.jpg

To expand the menus, simply move the mouse over the collapsed side bars.

Vtube-1.83 expand menu buttons.jpg

Vtube-1.83 collapse left menu.jpg
Vtube-laser-1.83-allcollapsed menus.png

Check.jpg NEW: Improved Menus on Right Side with Adjustable Font Sizes in Grids

The right menu is completely redesigned to allow for resizing with different font sizes. The buttons are now grid-based - which allows them to redize quickly based on the font sizes.


The font sizes can be adjusted in the System Option/User Interface menu:

Vtube-1.83 fontsize systemoptions.jpg

Vtube-laser-1.83-gridbased rightmenu.jpg

Check.jpg NEW: Click on FARO Image to Connect to FARO

Click on the FARO arm image to connect to the FARO.

Vtube-laser-1.83-connect faro with image.jpg

Check.jpg NEW: Toolbar "Close" Button

The new Close button allows you to close VTube more quickly than before.

Vtube-laser-1.83-toolbar door.png

Vtube-laser-1.83-toolbar door closeup.png

Check.jpg NEW: Toolbar "Save As" Button

The new Save As button allows you to save the current part as a new part file.

Vtube-laser-1.83 saveas toolbar button.png

Vtube-step-1.83-toolbar saveas closeup.png

Check.jpg NEW: Free-form Editor for Comment Fields in Part Setup

This free-form editor allows you to enter comments 1 and 2 as notes with empty rows using the Enter button.

You can even load and save external text files to and from the Comment fields.



Check.jpg NEW: Communcation Event Times in Bender Setup

Bender Setup now shows the most recent event times for the project in memory.

This includes the time of the most recent recall from the bender, the time of the most recent send to the bender, and the time of the most recent adjustment data calculation.

Vtube-1.83 benderdata datetime communication closeup.jpg

This date/time data is stored with the project file. Each project will have different communications times. The date/times are loaded with the project files.

VTube shows "[Waiting for first RECALL]" or "[Waiting for first SEND]" before communications occurs the first time for a project.

Vtube-1.83 benderdata datetime waiting communication closeup.jpg

Vtube-1.83 benderdata datetime communication.jpg

Check.jpg NEW: Side Menu Width Sizing

The side menu widths can be set to default to NARROW, MEDIUM, or WIDE in the System Option menu.


Vtube-laser-1.83-panelwidth demo.jpg

Check.jpg FIX: Supravision Export of End Offsets

The Supravision export would use the A-End and B-End Solid Model Offset for the Supravision end offsets in the exported Supravision file. The values that should be used are the A-End and B-End Length Adjust - because that is the equivalent for Supravision end offsets.

This has been repaired in this version.

Check.jpg NEW: "Aligned Coordinates" Moved Into Tab Menu

The aligned coordinates now have a grid in a tab menu inside the Inspection Data menu.

Vtube-laser-1.83-alignedxyz tab.jpg

Check.jpg NEW: TubeCalc Elongation Converter - Popup Menu in Part Setup

VTube now includes a TubeCalc Elongation Converter that can be accessed from the Part Setup popup menu. This converter calculates VTube elongation percentages from TubeCalc elongation per degree values.

Vtube-1.83-partsetup popup menu.png

Vtube-1.83-tubecalc elongation converter.png

Check.jpg NEW: CONRAC Style Bender Chart

The new chart shows absolute LENGTHS and ROTATIONS appropriate for Conrac style benders.

This chart always uses arc lengths that are compensated for elongation based on the elongation percentage in the part setup menu.


Check.jpg NEW: Automatic Project Save in the Logs Folder Before Alignment

  • VTube now saves the current project state in the logs folder in file "vtube_prealignment_project_state.vtp" before every alignment starts. If the file already exists, it is overwritten with a newer file.

Vtube-laser-1.83 recalculatealignment savelog.png

  • This is to help diagnose alignment issues that may arise. If you experience a failure during alignment, then you can send the "C:\Users\Public\VTube\vtube_prealignment_project_state.vtp" file to Advanced Tubular for analysis.

Check.jpg NEW: Re-establish the Adjustment Values in Bender Setup

VTube Bender Setup can re-establish the last adjusted values calculated during alignment with this new copy feature - even if you've cleared them in the Bender Setup menu.

Vtube-laser-1.83 bendersetup copylastadjustmentvalues from alignment.png

Check.jpg Other Changes

  • VTube now always reports reduced arc lengths compensated for elongation if the elongation percentage is greater than 0. (It used to always report the theoretical value without elongation.)

  • The model refresh time is optimized significantly - especially when the point labels are switched on.

  • Comments are no longer displayed in a dialog at project load time.

  • The envelope colors now display properly in the Inspection / Envelope menu immediately after they are set.

  • VTube no longer refreshes the tube model on the screen when a project is saved. This saves significant amount of time for large models.

  • Repairs were made to the Language Editor.

  • Point label redraw repairs were made.

  • Changes were made to repair what happens internally when you click on a cell in the Part Setup grid.

  • Click on column cell 1 of the Default Radius field to show the Radius Table.
