Robot Clear

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  • CNC Bender can now watch - in real-time - for a "robot clear" input point and block a programmable list of motion if the robot is not clear of the bender.

  • The robot clear input must be HIGH when the robot is clear of the bender.

  • This feature is enabled or disabled in General Dynamic Options.

  • The setup for the feature is in the CNCProcessor.cfg file. The setup includes two lists: 1 - a list of modules to block, and 2 - a list of CIO outputs to block.

Genoption robotclear.jpg

  • When the robot is in the bender and no motion command is being sent to CNC Processor, the interface shows "Robot in Bender".

Robotinbender closeup.jpg


  • When the robot is in the bender and motion is being blocked, the interface shows "Waiting for Robot to Clear - Blocking Motion"

  • When the robot is clear - the motion continues automatically.

Waitingforrobotclear closeup.jpg
