Lube Machine At Part Count

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As of v10-20070711 (July 11, 2007), this property is obsolete and is no longer available.


What is It?

This property allows CNC Processor to switch the mandrel lube output to ON after a pre-programmed number of parts have run.


The value is set to milliseconds like this:

Lube Machine At Part Count= 500

In this case, the machine lube will activate after each 500 parts run on the machine.

Alternative Properties

Two alternative properties are...

  1. Use Bend Count For Machine Lube
  2. Lube Machine At Bend Count

If Use Bend Count For Machine Lube value is set to 0 then the Lube Machine At Part Count property will be used. Set the Use Bend Count For Machine Lube property to equal 1 to set CNC Processor to use the "Lube Machine At Bend Count" property.

The Lube Machine At Bend Count property is used to set the bend count for machine lube.

--Mcone 23:30, 19 July 2006 (EDT)