Controlling Deadband

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Deadband can be controlled by taking these steps.

STEP 1: Create a new CIO

Create a new CIO for the servo module in the CIO Editor like this:
Cncbender cio deadband.png

STEP 2: Create a new COMDEF with the new CIO

Create a new COMDEF like this:
Cncbender comdef deadband.png

STEP 3: Insert the COMDEF Name in the PreEnable.cncprocesslist File

Load the PreEnable file into a text editor. This file contains commands that run before CNC Processor enables any axis.

The file name and location: c:\cnc\config\cncprocesslist\PreEnable.cncprocesslist

Insert the command somewhere in the file like this:

Set Bend Axis Deadband
Clear Drive Faults On
InputTimer= tim0:250
Clear Drive Faults Off

STEP 4: Start CNC Bender To Test

Start CNC Bender and move the axis to test the result.

Close CNC Bender, load the CIO editor, edit the value, save the value, start CNC Bender, and test again.

16000 is the maximum digital value for max voltage sent to control an axis. Use a value much smaller than 16000 to control deadband around zero.

You can read details of the deadband command in the I2T IFC220E Manual.

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