Benderlink for MiiC 5

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Blinkmiic logo.jpg Connect to MiiC Benders, edit data, send solid models, save the MiiC data to your computer.

Version 5

Release Date: July 18, 2014

Benderlink miic v5.png

Check.jpg NEW: Import Solid Models to the MiiC with Included VTube-STEP

Vtube-step logo.jpg

VTube-STEP is now included with Benderlink for MiiC. This allows you to import solid models into MiiC benders. See VTube-STEP

Vtube-step-1.89 screenimage.png

Check.jpg NEW: Toolbar

This version has a toolbar at the top for ease of use.

Blinkmiic toolbar v5.png

Check.jpg NEW: Eaton Leonard Laservision Communication

The Eaton Leonard Laservision communication protocol was added.

Vector tube data center.jpg

Check.jpg NEW: Faster Communications with Logic Improvements

The communications logic was redesigned. Communication is significantly faster than older versions. Also a logic problem was found and repaired with some floating point numbers.

Benderlink miic v5 communications banner.png

Check.jpg Other Changes

  • New: Ping serial device servers before attempting to open COM ports at the MiiC benders

  • Fixed: Floating point conversion issues during data send are repaired.

  • Improved: Benderlink Network Menu is improved and easier to use.

  • Improved: Moved the storage of configuration data to My Documents\Benderlink for MiiC to comply with Microsoft rules about where to put configuration files.

  • New: Press Enter in the PRB grid to move to the next cell down.

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