Benderlink for Addison to Vector 5.3

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Blink addison elvector logo.jpg

Blinkaddison 5 3 mainscreen.jpg

Check.jpg Enhanced - Configuration File Save is More Robust

  • The Configuration File Save procedure was rewritten for safer and more robust file saves. This will help avoid configuration save problems and corrupted configuration files experienced with earlier versions.

  • Older versions of Benderlink saved the configuration file when the program was unloading. However, Benderlink no longer saves at unload. It now saves to the file immediately after it is changed in the main interface. For example, the configuration will save when the state of one of the check boxes changes, or the bender number changes, etc.

Check.jpg Update - Replaced the Numeric LED

The numeric LED component is a new flat version.

Check.jpg New - Extended Shadow Borders

Benderlink windows and dialogs borders now have a 3-D effect.
Blinkaddison 5 3 mainscreen 3d.jpg

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