TubeCAD Pro v8-20130304

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Tcadpro logo.jpg

Version 8-20130304

Back to TubeCAD Pro

Tcadpro demo generated.jpg


Check.jpg NEW - Excel Import and Export

TubeCAD has a new XLS command that allows you to import or export XLS files that contain XYZ centerline data.

Tcadpro xlsio window.jpg

Type "XLS" in the command line to show the new Excel window.

Tcadpro xlsio.jpg

Check.jpg ENHANCED: Changes for Multi-User Login and UAC Restrictions

TubeCAD was changed to install once in administrative mode, and then run with any new user login in Windows using the Microsoft data storage methods.

Check.jpg NEW: Command "PointLabelSpacing" controls point LABEL offset

TubeCAD can now move the point labels from on top of the points to outside the diameter automatically. The direction is always along a vector formed by the bisection of the two adjacent centerlines - toward the outside of the bend.

Because of this new capability, users asked us to allow them to control how far the labels move away from the actual point object.

The automatic distance is always tied to the diameter entered in General Specs. The new command allows you to type a factor (multiplier) that will change the distance by multiplying the factor against the automatic distance generated.

For example: A value of 1.0 makes no change in the value. But a value of 0.5 moves the label halfway to the point object.

Factor of "1":
Tcadpro pointlabelspacing factor1.jpg

Factor of "0.2":
Tcadpro pointlabelspacing factor.5.jpg

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