Overbend Calculator v7

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Revision as of 19:23, 16 May 2009 by Mcone (Talk | contribs)

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Overbend calculator logo.jpg


Check.jpg New - Now Displays Eaton-Leonard Style Formula Constants

There is a slight variation in calculation of the proportional part of the formula between Advanced Tubular and Eaton Leonard style values. Both values are now displayed.

This makes the software compatible with Eaton Leonard controls, Supravision-based measuring centers, and DOCS based measuring centers.

Check.jpg New - Grid Display

The calculated values are now displayed in a grid. The grid gives new flexibility. For example, you can select any group of rows and copy them to the clipboard using Ctrl-C (copy) and then Ctrl-V (paste) in other programs. See this actual example of a copy and paste into a word processor:

020     2.00    22.00
021     2.02    23.02
022     2.04    24.04
023     2.06    25.06
024     2.08    26.08
025     2.10    27.10
026     2.12    28.12
027     2.14    29.14
028     2.16    30.16
029     2.18    31.18
030     2.20    32.20
031     2.22    33.22
032     2.24    34.24
033     2.26    35.26
034     2.28    36.28
035     2.30    37.30
036     2.32    38.32
037     2.34    39.34
038     2.36    40.36
039     2.38    41.38
040     2.40    42.40

Check.jpg New - Shareware Licensing

The software is now licensed using the 30-day trial concept. It can be activated using a Activation Code that can be purchased through the on-line store.

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