Bender to XYZ v5.2

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Revision as of 22:07, 14 July 2008 by Mcone (Talk | contribs)

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Bendxyz logo.jpg

New Features As of July 14, 2008 - v5.2

This is a list of enhancements from the previous versions:

Check.jpg NEW: The software now allows for CCW (Counter Clockwise) or CW (Clockwise) Rotations


Probably most benders in the tube fabrication industry follow the "CCW is positive" rule for controlling which way the rotations move. However, some use to the "CW is positive" rule.

The direction is determined by looking down the length of the tube shape from the front of a horizontal CNC draw bender. If a positive rotation is CCW, then this is a CCW bender.

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