How to Diagnose Inaccurate VTube-LASER Measurements

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When the FARO arm is setup and used properly, the VTube-LASER measurement results should repeat consistently

This is a list of items to check if measurements are not repeating.


How do I know if the data is not repeating?

There will always be variances from measure to measure. Therefore, it is important to establish the line between acceptable and unacceptable variance in measure systems.

Here are two general indicators of repeatability variance:

Indicator 1: Bender Data Adjustment Swings

If you find that the bender adjustment data is showing values that change significantly during repeated measures of the same tube, then system accuracy needs to be addressed. If you find any ANGLE adjustment swing by 2 degrees, then this is probably an indicator of a problem.

Keep in mind that a bend angle of 5 degrees or less can cause the intersection point in that bend to swing more than other parts with other bend angles. This is true for all measuring centers - no matter how accurate they are. Intersecting small angled-bends is challenging mathematically for all systems.

Indicator 2: Linear Distance Deviation Swings

If linear deviations (like tangent point deviations) swing by 0.039, then there may be a problem. The only situation where this is not true would be if the material is very deformed.

Two Kinds of General Issues: Outliers or Inaccuracies

The problem could be either outliers or inaccuracies (or both combined).

Perform this test:

  1. Scan a cylinder straight. Before calculating the cylinder centerline, release the green button and let the scanned points draw on the screen. Orbit the scanned points.

    Do you see any outliers in the VTube viewport when you let go of the green button after scanning? Outliers are points that should not be in the scan. This is a very common issue - especially when using cut planes.

  1. If there are no outliers, then put the scanner in range of some object and press the red button to calculate the centerline. Examine the wobble deviation by looking at the XY values in the Cylinder fit window.

    Do either of the two values swing widely? (The wobble deviation is the higher of either the X or the Y deviation values in the cylinder fit window that pops up during cylinder measurements.)

You See Outlier Points

Even a few outliers can severely impact the calculation of cylinder centerlines. It is important to setup the system to get rid of outliers (for example with the Cut Plane feature.) For example, extra care has to be taken with Newport tables. The outlier issue is NOT a point accuracy issue. See Scanning on a NEWPORT type table.

There are no outliers present - but there is still a problem

If you changing wobble deviation WITHOUT outlier points, then you have eliminated the possibility of outliers, then you should look problems that could impact the accuracy of the system. (See below)

Look for anything loose that may cause the arm to shift when it is moved.

  • Is there a chance that then arm is not secure at the base?
  • Is the probe tightly installed to the arm.
  • Does the arm, tube, table move at all (even a little bit) during measurement? If our senses can detect any motion at all during measurement, then this is not the best part holding setup. The entire setup needs to be absolutely still during measurement.

Consider recalibrating the probes.

When is the last time the probes (both the ball and laser) were calibrated? Recalibrate the ball probe then the laser (in that order).

Is the scanner lens clean?

A dirty lens will severely impact accuracy.

What scanner algorithm is being used by VTube?

If this is a highly reflective tube, is VTube-LASER setup for automatic HDR mode in the LLP window?

Has the shop lighting changed?

Is there any new lighting nearby? Is there a bay door open with sunlight flooding in? (This is especially for non-HD scanners.)

Aiming the lens at bright light

If the lens is aimed upward at bright lights or an open door, then this could be the cause of the problem. Try measuring with the scanner lens pointed away from external lights.

Is there a chance that you need the Cut Plane and forgot to measure it?

If you forget to measure a cut plane - but need it, then VTube will be given outlier points.

Can the FARO arm pass the SPAT test?

This is a low level Single Point Accuracy Test. The SPAT test only uses the ball probe - so we know that scanner issues cannot be the cause of this issue.

If the FARO arm cannot pass this test, then something is either wrong with the arm or the arm setup (like how its mounted). Check the setup first. If the setup is not the problem, then contact FARO to check for an internal defect.

Does scanning seem unusually slow?

If scanning seems slow, then you should not trust the accuracy of the incoming data. This could be an issue with the FARO USB driver that needs to be restarted. The easiest way to clear driver issues is to shutdown and restart both the VTube-LASER Windows system and the arm.

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