CNC Bender v12-20100105

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Revision as of 15:59, 18 January 2010 by Mcone (Talk | contribs)

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Cncbender logo.jpg

Type of Upgrade: MAJOR VERSION CHANGE with Teach Mode

The changes in this version take CNC Bender to the next step in setup power: TEACH your bender how to solve problems.




  • CNC Bender can now learn from you during setup. Teach the bender any motion for difficult transitions between bends

  • The learned moves are held in objects called Custom Commands.

  • PreBend allows for 10 Custom Commands. They run immediately after you press the run buttons.

  • Each BEND can be followed by up to 10 Custom Commands.

  • Control extra moves in PostBend using the final bend's Custom Commands.

  • Each Custom Command can contain any number of simultaneous Jog Motions. In a SINGLE Custom Command, you could teach the bender how to move the...
    • FEED (carriage)
    • while ROTATING
    • while shifting the VERTICAL RADIUS
    • while shifting the HORIZONTAL RADIUS
    • while returning the BEND ARM
    • while pulling the MANDREL
    • while activating the KICKER
    • while doing anything else you can make move on the bender

  • So Custom Commands can control all actuators around the bender including directional valves - clamp, pressure die, kickers, grippers, mandrel, mist, machine lube - ANY ACTUATOR.

  • Custom Commands can be MANUALLY entered and edited. You can enter Custom Commands without Teach Mode.

  • Custom Commands can be edited even after they were learned during Teach Mode.



Cncb12frb customcommands button.jpg

Cncb12frb customcommands.jpg

  • When the robot is in the bender and motion is being blocked, the interface shows "Waiting for Robot to Clear - Blocking Motion"

  • When the robot is clear - the motion continues automatically.

Waitingforrobotclear closeup.jpg


Check.jpg ENHANCE - Energize Dies Home Dialog - OFF or ON

  • The Energize Dies Home dialog can be switched off in the low level. OFF is now recommended for advanced users.

Genoption energizedieshome dialog.jpg

Energizedieshome dialog.jpg

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