VTube-STEP v1.85

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Revision as of 15:53, 2 January 2014 by Mcone (Talk | contribs)

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Vtube-step logo.jpg

Revision 1.85

Vtube-step-1.85 screenimage.png

Check.jpg NEW: VTube Can Build UNISON Unibend YBC Files

VTube can now output Unibend YBC data for simple import into Unibend control software.

  • Enter parametric tube data.
  • Export the data to a YBC file.
  • Import the data into Unibend using the Product>Import YBC menu.

Vtube-step 1.85 unisonunibendscreen.png

Note: Some versions of Unibend may report an error for missing data. This is because VTube creates only the YBC and other necessary data. You can ignore the error messages because the YBC data will still be imported properly.

Vtube-step 1.85 unisonunibendexport.png

Vtube-step 1.85 unisonunibendimportmenu.png

Check.jpg ENHANCED: SolidWorks Builder - End Offsets Added

The SolidWorks tube builder can now:

  • Build extruded diameter offsets at the ends of the tube.

Vtube-step-1.84.1 buildsolidworks negativeoffset.png

Vtube-step-1.84.1 PreSolidWorksPart.png

Vtube-step-1.84.1 buildsolidworks positiveoffset.png

Check.jpg NEW: Export Dialog Windows With Configurable Paths

  • New Export dialog windows are now present for every type of file export with new features.

  • Persistent Export Paths: Every type of export now has its own unique output path setting that is remembered in the VTube persistent local configuration file. This allows you to set a unique path for your common exports. As long as the path continues to exist, VTube will never forget to use that path as default for export for that file type.

  • Display Data in Notepad++: VTube can automatically display the file created in Notepad++ after it is exported.

  • Template File Edit: For export styles that require a template file for merging exported data to, VTube allows operators to edit the file before exporting.

Vtube-step 1.85 exportwindow transfluid.png

Vtube-step 1.85 exportwindows.png

Vtube-step 1.85 exportfile notepaddisplay.png

Check.jpg ENHANCEMENTS and FIXES: Import/Export Panels

  • The Import/Export menu is now designed to be a vertically expanding menu to give more room to the buttons that are needed most. Click on Import or Export headers to expand that section in the Import/Export menu.

Vtube-step 1.85 verticalexpand importexportpanels.png

  • Custom images of each bender are shown. The images now respond to clicking as well as the flat buttons to the right.

  • Import/Export Panels ordering bug fixed: The Import and Export buttons would not always reorder properly after the order of the buttons was changed in the setup window. This has been repaired.

  • Scrolling enhanced: The scrollbar in the panels now tracks smoothly. As you move the scrollbar, the panels also move.

Vtube-step 1.85 exportpanels.png

Check.jpg Other Changes

  • Fixed main window maximize issue. VTube now starts in the proper maximized state.

  • Model Undo / Redo is now active. This will allow you to undo changes to imported models.

  • The ViewPort popup menu has more items, including redraw and zoom all. Not all of the items worked in previous versions. They all work now.

  • Several of the support packages that install with VTube are updated: Notepad++, Cute PDF driver, GhostScript, HASP hardware key driver, and the Keycheck utility.
