Post Fault Processlist

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Revision as of 16:34, 8 July 2006 by Mcone (Talk | contribs)

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CNC Bender Version

This feature is available in all CNC Bender software as of version (July 6, 2006).

What is it?

The post fault processlist is a text file that contains legal COMDEF command names and other directives to CNC Processor. It is the equivalent of a small bend program.


This feature’s power is its flexibility. It allows each bender to use custom reactions to fault events.

When does it run?

CNC Processor runs this processlist after a fault occurs when a bend program is running. For example, if a command time-out occurs, then a fault will be triggered, then immediately run the PostFault.cncprocesslist. Other faults include range errors - such as when an axis is told to move beyond its legal range.

Sample Post Fault Processlist


This is a sample post fault processlist in which the “ready” output to a robot is being cleared (so that the robot will not try to collect a part if a fault has occurred). The second step in the list is to shutdown the control. Finally, the processor is instructed to switch to manual mode.


As with all hand-customized process lists that are this flexible, please exercise care in choosing the proper commands. (Choosing an incorrect command could cause a machine crash.)


The processlist location and name is c:\cnc\config\PostFault.cncprocesslist If the processlist is not present in this location with this name, then it is simply ignored, and no process is run after fault events.

--Mcone 12:25, 8 July 2006 (EDT)