Difference between revisions of "NLM 8.5"

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(25px NEW: Takes In and Sends Out Usernames to Keycheck)
(25px NEW: Takes In and Sends Out Usernames to Keycheck)
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Revision as of 16:31, 22 July 2015


Revision 8.5


Check.jpg NEW: Takes In and Sends Out Usernames to Keycheck

This version of NLM will take in the Usernames from our software and then send those Usernames to Keycheck on any computer in the network. This allows colleagues to know who is using licenses of the software. If a user needs a license, he can use Keycheck to find which user he/she should ask to relinquish a license back to NLM.

If a program that is calling to NLM is an older version that does not support sending Usernames, then NLM will display the Client IP address in the username cell.

Nlm-v8.5 usernames.png

KeyCheck 8.5.png

Check.jpg CHANGE: Receiving Port

The default server receiving port is changed from 17500 to 17502 after we discovered that Dropbox has reserved 17500 - which causes NLM to not communicate with external programs.

Check.jpg FIXES: Minor Bug Fixes

When loading the last setup from the registry, the port number edit box and "server active" now checkbox correctly update on the user interface.
