CNC Bender System Info Log

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Revision as of 16:17, 25 July 2008 by Mcone (Talk | contribs)

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Cncbender logo.jpg



The System Info Log file contains system information for CNC Bender software on any CNC Bender operator station.

Everytime CNC Bender software is started, it refreshes this file by appending new data at the bottom of the file. The file can be viewed inside any text editor.

What is the Filename?


Where Is It Found?

It is found at the "c:\cnc\logs" path.

Sample Data

This is an example of the type of data that you will find inside the file:

-------- Date/Time of Log Build: 7/25/2008 11:56:34 AM ----------------

 System Info Log

Collection Time: 7/25/2008 11:56:34 AM

--CNC Bender Information----------------

CNC Bender Version:        11-20080423
CNC Bender Name:           SMT15686
Maximum Radius Levels:     2
Horizontal Shift Mode:     Head Axis 4
Vertical Shift Mode:       Car 1 Cylinder
Processlist Pressure Mode: Omit Commands


CPU Type:  Intel
CPU Name:  Pentium III


Computer name:      SMT15686
IP Address:
Local User:         Administrator
Local Workgroup:    TUBEFAB
Domain Name:        SMT15686
Registered Company: 
Registered Owner:   User

--Run Time------------------

Total Windows Run Time Since Last Startup
Time: 0 12:17:51 

--Windows Info------------------

Version:       Win2000
Product ID:    51873-OEM-0010085-74179
Product Name:  Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Type:  Professional
Service Pack:  Service Pack 3
Version Major: 5
Version Minor: 0


Total Physical Memory: 256 Megabytes
Free Physical Memory:  120 Megabytes
Memory Percent Load:   53 percent
