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Revision as of 16:22, 25 July 2008

Cncbender logo.jpg

What is the Filename?


Where Is It Found?

It is found at the "c:\cnc\logs" path.

How Can It Be Used?

  • This log file is updated by CNC Bender every time CNC Bender is loaded.
  • The log file contains other system information for the operator station.
  • The file can be viewed inside any text editor.

Sample Data

This is an example of the type of data that you will find inside the file:

-------- Date/Time of Log Build: 7/25/2008 11:56:34 AM ----------------

 System Info Log

Collection Time: 7/25/2008 11:56:34 AM

--CNC Bender Information----------------

CNC Bender Version:        11-20080423
CNC Bender Name:           SMT15686
Maximum Radius Levels:     2
Horizontal Shift Mode:     Head Axis 4
Vertical Shift Mode:       Car 1 Cylinder
Processlist Pressure Mode: Omit Commands


CPU Type:  Intel
CPU Name:  Pentium III


Computer name:      SMT15686
IP Address:
Local User:         Administrator
Local Workgroup:    TUBEFAB
Domain Name:        SMT15686
Registered Company: 
Registered Owner:   User

--Run Time------------------

Total Windows Run Time Since Last Startup
Time: 0 12:17:51 

--Windows Info------------------

Version:       Win2000
Product ID:    51873-OEM-0010085-74179
Product Name:  Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Type:  Professional
Service Pack:  Service Pack 3
Version Major: 5
Version Minor: 0


Total Physical Memory: 256 Megabytes
Free Physical Memory:  120 Megabytes
Memory Percent Load:   53 percent


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