CNC Bender Offline

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Cncbender logo.jpg

CNC Bender User Interface for ProControl

The OFFLINE version of CNC Bender allows for remote programming and setup of CNC Bender files from an engineering station. Part files are saved to the CNC Bender operator stations part folders through the network or using a USB Drive.


  • This license allows for setup and direct control of benders.
  • This license will build a CNC Bender Process List (an instruction list) for CNC Processor.
  • This license is used on the SMT operator stations for CNC Bender.

OFFLINE Programming License

  • This license of CNC Bender does not control a bender.
  • This license does not build a CNC Bender Process List (an instruction list) for CNC Processor.
  • This version is completely file-compatible with the CONTROL version of CNC Bender.


This is an overview of the CNC Bender offline data entry process.

CNC Bender Offline Diagram.jpg


OFFLINE mode of CNC Bender allows users to program parts in CNC Bender on a desktop that is remote from the bender. As of version v11-20081218, CNC Bender disables all buttons that will build the processlist when it is in OFFLINE mode. The reason for this is that a process list build has no meaning in OFFLINE since process lists are used by CNC Processor to move the bender.

Bender Data Page AutoBuild DISABLE
Cncbender disable autobuild benderdata.jpg
Tools Page Autobuild DISABLE
Cncbender disable autobuild tools.jpg
Runlist Page Build DISABLE
Cncbender runlist disabled build.jpg